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The next introduction in the 2025 LSPD PROJECT. Including numerous iconic vehicles designed perfectly for your server and maximum compatibility to vehicle packages.

Screenshots provide a brief summary to the largest livery package on the store, please read the list below for full details on the vehicle models that are supported inside of the package. 

- Multiple templates per livery to make the pack as usable as possible when using different vehicle packages.
- High quality livery textures.
- Help and support when installing.
- Liveries are compatible with vehicles inside of lspdfr and fivem.
- Supports car packages from all big developers
- Transparent liveries

1. Patrol officer
2. Canine unit
3. Traffic Enforcement
4. Swat team 
5. Marine unit
6. Motorcycle unit
7. Air support team
8. Supervisor
9. Bomb squad
10. Detention officer (prisoner transport)
11. Command team


Patrol, Supervisor

2002 Tahoe - Razer
2006 Tahoe - HighSpeed Designs
09 Charger - Razer
10 Charger - PSonce
12 Caprice - Kane
13 FPIU - ZZ, GM
13 Impala - Razer
All 14 Charger Bases
14 Ram - Kane
14 Tahoe
15 Expedition - Razer
2015-18 F150 - GM
2015-18 F250 - GM
16 FPIU - Kane, Underwood
16 Impala - Underwood
18 Charger - Matts
18 charger - GM
23 charger - GM
18 Durango - Blueghost
18 Taurus - GM, Underwood
19 Silverado - Kane
20 FPIU - Thero, Code3 (tentative), Ripple, Kane
18-20 Tahoe - GM
21 Durango - Razer, Steve, GM
21 Tahoe - Otaku, Code3 (tentative), Razer
24 Mustang - Razer

14 Ram - Kane
14 Tahoe
2015-18 F150 - GM
16 FPIU - Kane
18 Charger - Matts
18 Taurus - GM
18-20 Tahoe - GM
20 FPIU - Kane

-2016 Generic 5500 Crew ESU Cab Redneck
-2018 F450 Bomb Squad Zekor Designs
-2020 Generic 5500 Crew ESU Cab Redneck
-2022 Generic 5500 Crew ESU Cab Redneck
-2024 Bomb Squad Ja designs
-Bearcat Redneck
-Bearcat Trooper Corentin
-Bearcat V2 Trooper Corentin
-Gurkha Zekor Designs
-Mrap Pual Modifications
-Mrap Redneck
-Mrap Zekor Designs
-Pitbull 2025 Pual Modifications
-SWAT ROCK Code3 Development

Speed Enforcement
-2017 Camaro Exorcist Code3 Development
-2023 Camaro JAdesigns
-2024 Generic Sports Car (Mustang)
-Challenger JAdesigns
-Ferrari JAdesigns
-Lamborghini JAdesigns
-Porshe JAdesigns

-Prison Bus Trooper Corentin
-Prison Van Pack Trooper Corentin
-Transport van Code3 Development

-BMW Bike
-Harley 2

-Ec145 Med Code3 Development
-AS350 Code3 Development
-AS365 Code3 Development
-Bell 412 Code3 Development
-Cessena 909 Code3 Development or Trooper Corentin not sure if both has it.
-Little bird Redsaint
-Seahawk Code3 Development
-SWAT EC135 Code3 Development
-SWAT Heuy Code3 Development

-53 Boat Code3 Development
-Boston whaler JAdesigns
-Generic Police boat Trooper Corentin
-Large boat Redneck
-Medium Boat Redneck
-Police Rescue Boat Trooper Corentin
-Small Boat Redneck
-Small Boat Redsaint

-Command Center Senoran Cad
-Command Center Package Redsaint

Our liveries are designed to fit most developer packs, including:
All current Ripple vehicle developments
Redsaint and Redneck packages
All JA Designs packs
90% of Trooper Corentin packs
Questions about compatibility? open a ticket inside of our discord server. 

Also Compatible With:
Subdivision cars, Bearcats, helicopters, and boats from Code3, JA Designs, and Trooper Corentin.

Blazes Modifications Terms and Service applies to this package as with any other so Read that before Purchasing the product. Terms and Service

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